Sunday, March 20, 2011



Aaaa ini pulak fancy cookies....... sedap cookies ni......vanilla flavour...... so leh la list senarai utk cookies pulak.... Decornya pun dah belajar camne nak buat elok2 bg comey diingatkan x semua cookie cutter yg sy tunjuk kt atas tu ada ek.... kadang2 xde stok.

Cookies large (saiz lbh krg 4 inci) per pack means 1 pcs siap bungkus dlm plastik transperancy & ikat dgn ribbon) - RM 3.00 Per Pack minimum order 10 packs....... Utk pakage per box, without individual plastics, harganya gini pulak - RM 30.00 per box....per box 10 pcs. At the moment, cookie cutter yg available utk saiz large ni ialah gaun, crown, love, round, flower, boy and girl.

Cookies medium (saiz lbh krg 3 inci) per pack means 1 pcs siap bekas dlm plastics transperancy & ikat dgn ribbon - RM 2.50 per pack minimum order 10 packs. Utk package per box, without individual plastics harganya gini....RM 25.00 per box....per box 10 pcs. At the moment, cookie cutter yg available utk saiz medium ni ialah love, round, flower, alphabet, number, cup cake,house.

Cookies small (saiz lbh krg 1 1/2 inci) per pack means 1 pcs siap dibungkus dlm plastic transperancy & ikat dgn ribbon) RM 2.00 per pack....minimum order 20 pcs. Utk package per box without individual plastics harganya....RM 20.00 per box...per box 10 pcs....minimum order 2 boxes. At the moment, cookie cutter yg available utk small saiz small ialah butterfly, shoes, teddy bear, duck,stroller baby,botol susu...